Schedule of Lent EventsShrove Tuesday Pancake Supper
Tuesday February 25 5:30- 7:00 p.m. Join us for the traditional way to start the season of Lent--with a pancake supper! Free-will offering at the door. Come & Go- Ash Wednesday Service Wednesday February 26 11:00 a.m.- 1:00 p.m. with soup lunch or Wednesday February 26 6:30 p.m.-7:30 p.m. We begin our journey to the cross at this come and go service where we are reminded of our need for a Saviour. This service is designed to give you time and space to reflect on your relationship with God and will include imposition of ashes as a way of reminding you of God's mercy. Soup and bun lunch will be provided 11:00 a.m.-1:oo p.m. Wednesday Lenten Gatherings & Soup Lunch Every Wednesday during Lent (March 4, 11, 18, 25; April 1) 12:07 p.m. This gathering begins with a brief Lenten meditation and then we move downstairs for soup and buns. Be sure to stop by to centre your hearts during Lent! (Note: the location for gatherings on March 25 and April 1 TBD) Maundy (Holy) Thursday Service Thursday April 9 7:00 p.m. Come to this experiential worship service as we walk through and reflect on various themes of the night when Jesus was betrayed to die for the sins of the whole world: sinfulness, betrayal, service, forgiveness, and prayer. Good Friday Service Friday April 10 2:00 p.m. During this reflective and sombre worship service, we come to the cross to receive afresh Jesus' forgiveness and offer of life for all who believe. Easter Egg Hunt Saturday April 11 Easter Sunday Sunday April 12 Celebrate Jesus' resurrection and our new life with the following events:
Lent DevotionalThis devotional book is intended to encourage us to spend more time with Jesus throughout the day through a mix of prayer and Bible readings.
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© 2025, Trinity Lutheran Church Leader, SK (306) 628-4320
400 5th St. W. (Box 477) Leader, SK S0N 1H0 [email protected] |