Stellar Vacation Bible School (VBS) is your opportunity to marvel at the bigness of God! This is a free event with a donation/offering being accepted (don't let money stop you from coming)!
Who can come? Any kids who will be entering playschool in the fall up to Grade 6.
What time is it? August 21-25 (Mon-Fri). 9:00 a.m.- 12:00 p.m. at Leader Alliance Church (corner of 1 St. E. & 2 Ave. E.)
What if my child will miss a day? Register your child and come as many days as you can!
What should I expect? Each day starts out with an opening program which introduces the theme for the day (there's singing, a story, and prayer). Then the kids will travel with their assigned group through the rotation of stations for the rest of the morning. The morning ends with a closing program before kids are dismissed to their parents. Stations include: -Crafts -Video -Bible Story Time -Games -Snacks
I don't go to church, can I still come? Yes! Stellar VBS is a great place to have fun with friends and to learn about the God who created and loves your kid!
What if I have further questions or want to help? Call Cassy at (306) 628-8497
Roar! VBS is brought to you by the Churches of Leader